Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Trolling Wifi Leeches

Wifi-Leeches: Individuals who suck up your bandwidth, causing your movies, and animes to load at slow speeds, and cause your BF3 or MW3 multilayer action to lag. 

At the worst–and far more likely, they’re stealing your identity and watching your activities. After watching your network and identifying the leech, use this trick to flip their browser upside down and let them know you don’t appreciate the intrusion.
Not to mention it makes an epic prank, turning unwanted visitors on your network upside down. Literally. Just have at these links.

Battle with Leeches with Upside down terent

Upside Down Ternet

Have fun ( ^_^)

Thursday, 12 July 2012

How to Recover a Dead Hard Disk: 4 Methods

I have had my fair share of hard drive fails, and a lack of knowlegde has often caused me to discard of them in frustration because of lost data, but not any more!

Sure you could pay money to have your data saved, but why not save that money, try it yourself and use that money to buy a new hard drive. Just a thought, anyway here is a wikihow

How to Recover a Dead Hard Disk: 4 Methods - wikiHow

Selecting a Hard drive
Prevention is better than cure, and while recovering a hard drive is possible, sometime its not, and hard drives don't last forever, but like everything PC, there are the good and there are the bad. So take time and effort to invest in proper hardware.
Reliability, speed, space, and efficiency.
Here is a boring, but very informative video on selecting a hardrive.

Find a Website IP Adress Without Web/Command Prompt Access

Some school admins think they’re being sneaky when they lock down the command prompt and block all major IP search websites and block all the websites you actually want to visit. Of course, that is child’s play for any geek.

First, to get a new command prompt, open Notepad and type: command.com. Then, save as “cmd.bat”. You now have a command prompt.

Now, open the command prompt and type “ping http://www.website.com/” to find the IP address of that website.

Enter the website into the browser and you will officially have impressed all your friends.

By: Laptoplogic.com

This will be the first thing I try when I get back to school :D

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

How to hide files in a picture

Everyone who uses a computer at some point has something they would like to hide, and keep private, sure you can password your computer, get some 3rd party app, and bury it deep within your hard drive, where you'll probably lose it.
But why not hide it in plain sight??? NOTE sexy epic pic 

With regards to the Windows operating System there is such away.
Here is a how to link >>How to hide files within a .JPG file.<<

This is number 7 of 64 things a geek should know.
If your wondering what happened to the rest, its stated in an earlier post. I'm posting only the ones I find worthy. 

Comment subscribe and continue to enjoy The Learning Experience.  

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Learning the Way of the Geek

I always fancied myself a "Geek", truth be told i'm not really. Outside of know about PC hardware, and a little trick here and there, I'm actually rather pitiful.
("._.) but I'm not one to wallow in self pitty ( ^_^)
Hence with the extra time I have on my hands, and the whole reason for this blog is to learn.
Starting with this

 > 64 THINGS EVERY GEEK SHOULD KNOW < an interesting article I found.
Yeah I know how to do the common stuff.. but this list is really extensive.
So let The_Learning_Experience being.

NOTE* Going through this Article I found that some of these Links have been made redundant. None the less what I plan to do, Is go through and make posts at sporadic intervals, Making posts about the ones I found most Intriguing.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Changing your Icons Via Registry

So I'm sitting around my New Custom build gaming PC code name Darksied ( yes superman nemesis) sure he's the bad guy, but Darksied sounds way cool ( ^_^)
NB: More on Darkseid later, Now that aside

I'm working on a personal theme which includes changing every icon from the stock windows. So here is what I learned so far.

I didn't like this video because he didn't say how to change the rest of them. So I looked into it myself (Google) and found that the number 3 is like the code for files..NB: 3 (Explorer) Closed Folder and a link Icon registry settings. And also the address for other.
So that's where I am at so far.


Key Board Replacement

Okay so yesterday I disassembled my   laptop, I had a problem with getting the keyboard off. I said "boy this is tricky" but nothing is tricky or hard, its just a matter of preparation.
So I did what any self-respecting IT person would have done!
Yup ~ I Googled it, and found this awesome site
They have keyboard replacement tutorials for most if not all keyboard. Never know when you might need to pull your keyboard off. So I thought this worth a share.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

For the Next Month I'll will be making strides in learning how to JAVA
These YouTube tutorials from Bucky are awesome

The Purpose Of This Blog

Well basically this Blog serves two purposes.
1. To alleviate my boredom
2. To Expand my knowledge base
Reasoning is simple.
I bored, I want to learn stuff, but I lack motivation, but the rule of thumb is one should not have an empty blog, hence what every I look into, read, watch, research, practice, discover, or i find of interest will be posted right here.
Sounds simple enough right. Lets see what happens, seeing this is my first time doing this.