Saturday, 17 August 2013


We always say we want to be successful, but honestly though, have you ever sat down and think for a moment. 
What is success?
Is it making a tonne of cash, having that dream car, house and desktop have that epic social life, loved and known by the masses, females and all that? Or is "all that" just social programming?
Society says if you ain't the "Shit" the Top Dog, you're not successful.

Now giving thought and looking into things I realized one thing. That "SUCCESS" is RELATIVE! to the person. Success isn't what society dictates to you. It is what ever you want it to be, and the only limit placed on success is self imposed.

Success for me honestly: To be healthy as possible,  be the among the best in the field of Information Technology, be awesome at Web Development, make money doing what I love, own a kick ass custom PC, decent place to call my own, souped up JMD car, and I'm good.

Again to reiterate. SUCCESS IS WHATEVER YOU WANT IT TO BE.  As long as the end of the day your doing what makes you feel fulfilled.
What is success to you?

NEXT: The Faculties of the MIND

1 comment:

  1. Now the image is gone...go steal that photo and insert's gone...
