Okay, so I strongly believe I have not been successful, accomplished anything really meaningful in my life is because of MY MIND. "So as a man thinketh so is he." - Proverbs 23:7.
So I took the initiative to find out the current state of my mind, I started a journal, spent some time alone with my thoughts, silent meditation and all, and I've come to realize that I have been limiting my brain to barely sub average performance.
Imagine you've given a 900hp R35 Nissan Skyline GTR top speed of 280mph with hundreds of miles of road, but you went and put a speed limiter on that car for 60mph?
That is EXACTLY what we do with our MINDS. We let our minds run free, gather all sorts of crap, we think mediocre things assuming we think at all. Like a harddrive that has never been defragged. It will never function at optimal levels.
I say all that to say this. The FIRST step towards success and a fulfilling life is:
“There are six mental faculties that we have, and how we use them sets the course for our life.” – Bob Proctor
Now what are your mental faculties?
All these working together is what defines us, we are what we think, we are.ReasonThe reasoning factor allows a person to think. We can think about anything we want and desire. It set us apart from other animals and puts us on top. An animal usually acts on by instinct. Differently, the human being thinks and acts on by according this faculty.MemoryWe can remember or memorize anything we want. There are people saying they have a bad memory. It’s not true. They simply have not learned to develop this “mental muscle” to a better level. Look for a good book about memorization techniques and very soon you can have an outstanding memory.PerceptionWe can say that perception is a point of view of each one of us. Two people can be looking to the same object and both of them may have different ideas of it. You can tell that a person must be right and other must be wrong. But the truth is that both of them are right. It’s our point of view, or perception.WillThe will give us the ability to focus only on an idea and exclude everything else.IntuitionMany of us confuse intuition as a “sixth sense”. The truth is that the intuition is a mental factor. We can define intuition as an instant idea or an immediately answer we receive without even thinking about it.ImaginationThe imagination is probably one the greatest miracles of the human being. It’s though imagination the things have been created. All the great inventions that have transformed our lives came by from this wonderful ability we hold.Knowing these higher faculties and how they work, we can develop and use them to achieve anything we want in our lives. Our creator has given us the tools; it’s only up to us to develop them to a higher level.
Think about it. What are you doing with your mind?
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