Friday, 9 May 2014

Let Her Go...

“Go for women you perceive to be ‘out of your league.’ You’ll surprise yourself. 

This is a tip from a list of 45 Ultimate tips for men. And I can attest to this, win or lose, you gain a lot from doing this. In my case I learned to let go.
There comes a point in a man’s life when he falls for that girl he can’t get, no matter how good he is, no matter his approach, even if you thought you were going to win, somehow you screwed it up,
you can’t get near, her walls are up, but you stay on the other side.
Create illusions of fancy in your head,
you date her in your mind,
she still talks to you (in the friend zone) and you’re all too happy to eat it up…. Well guess what.

You have wasted, and if you are still on that train, hoping things will change, I’ll strongly advise you to bail, post haste, and take all the cuts and bruises that come along with jumping off a moving train, for your chances of survival are greater, than it would be when you hit the dead end.
A couple weeks ago I bailed that train, I got some cuts and bruises, but I healed up quite well, and now I’m stronger than ever, wiser, and I’m actually thankful for that train ride, for now I’m able to see the big picture, and to be honest… the train I was on wasn't all that It was hyped up to be.
I was more in love with the idea of what could be, and paralyzed by the fear of what it would be like without.  

Seriously gentlemen, in most cases that’s all there is, a pretty face, a captivating personality, with a nice body you pour your ideals into, without realizing she’s not yours and she runs away, and you give chase…  Just let her go….. Let her go…. Let her go (sing it like the ice princess of frozen.)
If you are in such situation, take a step back, waaaaay back, delete her number, turn off her chat on Facebook, unfollow, whatever, just take some time away, to look at the big picture, and ask yourself, is this what I want, Is this really worth it… Let me know
As far as I see it, never put all your eggs in one basket. You are young, there are a lot of ideal women out there for you, losing one won’t kill you, It merely teaches you.

1 comment:

  1. ...I ran my hand through her hair, she looked me the way she always does; it felt like she smiled a rainbow into my soul but reality reminded me that it was the same face expression of old. I don't think she even smiled, maybe I think she did when I blew her a kiss as I approached her. I told my friend I was gonna give up this chase, he thought she was the perfect chase; he too fell for her, felt it was possible through me, forgive me I curried up the stories and the possibilities. She was the one, of two of her kind currently, the other had told me the limits of my zone so it was easier to move on. So today, I died hopefully for the last time in her eyes... I let her go...
